Saving Kingsand Clock Tower
Over the weekend of Saturday the 8th and 9th of February, Celtic Construction worked in very difficult conditions to install props to remove the risk of immediate collapse.
The damage to the clock tower made national news and the efforts to save the building drew support from Cornwall Council and Prime Minister David Cameron.
Further severe storms on the 14th & 15th February 2014 caused additional damage when huge storm waves again breached the sea facing Institute wall and severely eroded the internal west wall of the building leaving the clock tower and indeed the whole building in a most precarious state.
The talk will concentrate on the emergency works and provision of enhanced protection to the building in the form of a new sea wall and wave reflector.
For further information about the emergency works please take a look at the videos on the John Grimes Partnership website www.johngrimes.co.uk
About the Speaker: Dr John Grimes is a Director at John Grimes Partnership and was the Engineer responsible for the emergency works to save the building and the subsequent design and supervision of the new sea wall to provide additional protection to the building.
All are welcome; you do not need to be an ICE member to attend. Please note that there is no charge and you are not required to book a place to attend this presentation.